Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Enjoy The Little Things.....

For one day you may look back and discover they were the big things. --Author Unknown

I think it is funny how kids can be sometimes, they don't understand what "stink" means. My little girl loves to smell good. And she loves bath and body works lotions, sprays, bath gels, you name it and she likes it. Even though she is only 5. Any way for this past Christmas for a stocking stuffer we bought some of the samples from bath and body. MISTAKE!!!! I try to tell just a DAB will do, or just spray ONE time. But Casey thinks that the more she sprays the better she smells. Needless to say, mommy doesn't do well with the smells, my head starts to hurt and my eyes start to water.
Well, Casey came in a little while ago, and I could smell that she had once again sprayed some Smelly stuff on. I asked her "Casey how much did you spray?" To which she says "Just one Mommy". I then asked "One Bottle?" To which her reply was "Is it making your eyes water?" Then she moved a few feet from me, "How bout from over here?"
I guess she is all girl. She likes to wear the dresses and the makeup and smell GOOD.

Of course every child goes through that stage of overdoing stuff. And we just have to think of how we want to remember these little things.

The picture above was taken at my mom's house on Sunday afternoon. I was actually trying to get a picture of a hummingbird at my mom's neighbors house. Nunu seen it at the end of the trailor. So I took the picture and blew it up with Photoshop.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear. I John 4:18

1 comment:

DeAnna said...

I love the quote and the picture!