Thursday, August 31, 2006

This Week At A Glance

Sorry that it has taken me a while to post the picture of Casey getting off of the bus on Monday. But here it is. This other picture was taken on Tuesday when Cody received some Merit Badges at Boy Scouts. I have been a busy bee this week between cheerleading practice, boy scouts, work, and not to mention the pictures I am altering from the wedding that I took pictures at a couple of weekends ago. But I still take the time to take pictures so that I will have a way to remember these days when my kids are older....much older. I must go, I have to get some things ready for school tomorrow, so that I can start another day. I will hopefully get to post this weekend.
Until then have a great day. ;)

Keep on loving each other.....Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:1-2 NIV

Monday, August 28, 2006

First Day of School

Today my baby girl started her first day of school. She started the big kindergarten. It was so funny though, I had put stuff in her backpack that needed to stay at school, which made her backpack kind of heavy. But she was bound and determined to carry the backpack all the way up to the school. And then all the way up 2 flights of steps to her class. She is becoming such a big girl. She looked so cute today. I will be getting more pictures of her getting off of the bus at the daycare this afternoon. So I will probably post those later this evening.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you've imagined. -Thoreau

Saturday, August 26, 2006

My Little Beady Girl.

I figured that I would do one more post before I went to bed. While we were getting ready to take NuNu out for dinner, Casey decided that she had to wear every beaded necklace that she had. She could almost make a shirt out of them!! I thought that she just looked plum adorable with all of her different color beads, so I took her picture. I am sure that if she had more beads she would have been covered from head to toe with them.

"We find delight in the beauty & happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Eric's New Bug

My husband, Eric, decided he wanted to get a dune buggy(I think this is what it is called). So when me and the kids got home fr0m taking NuNu out for her birthday, we decided to take a look at it. And of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take pictures of my kids in the new "BUG". Eric is going to call this the "Bonnie Bug" as a dedication to his mom who passed away earlier this year. I told him it needed a new paint job and that LIME GREEN would be the perfect color for it. What do you think?!
Cody is all excited about it, already asking permission to take it to school when he gets old enough to drive and on dates and to work. He still has 3 1/2 years to go before he will get to think about driving. And I will be doing alot more praying then. For everybody else on the road. : )

"To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own. --Abraham Lincoln

Friday, August 25, 2006

Sing A Song Of Birthdays....

Full of Fun and Cheer. And May You Keep on Having Them for Many a Happy Year.

Today is my Aunt Norma's Birthday. We won't tell how young she really is. This picture was taken last year on Norma's birthday. We did a picnic last year. She had help blowing out her 2 candles from Cody, Curtis, and Casey. Of course we all call her NuNu because of Cody. He called everybody something other than there names when he was little. NuNu is like a second mom to me and another grandma to my kids. Of course, she will probably kill me for posting this picture of her but this one was better than the other one that I had. She was making fun of Casey crying. Anyway, I just wanted to wish NuNu a Happy Birthday today. And let her know how loved she is. We will be celebrating her birthday tomorrow.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2Corinthians 12:9

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

You Make My Heart Smile... :)

After my post yesterday, I started thinking about how much my kids have actually grown. Take this picture of my oldest son, Cody, he was about 3 then. He loved dressing up in different types of outfits. Mostly as a witch or dracula. But this is one of my favorite pictures of him. He looks so cute. Not to mention the fact that I can use this as blackmail when he starts to date in less than 4 years. No matter how much they have grown, they still make me proud and make my heart smile. Cody is a very intelligent young boy. He plays drums in the band and he loves anything having to do with computers and video games. He is also very loving, and believe it or not, he actually gets along with his youngest sister. Sometimes they don't play well with each other but there is 7 years difference between them.

The very hairs of your head are all numbered. So, do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. Matthew 10:30-31

Monday, August 21, 2006

I figured it out. Here are my 3 kids. They are all rotten and great all at the same time. This picture was actually taken at Christmas 2005. Casey, the youngest, likes to make funny faces during her pictures. The other two aren't too bad, on a good day. Either way, they are growing way to fast. And I wish sometimes that they could be small again. But then I would have to go through potty training again or even worse DIAPERS!!!!! I guess I will step back and let them grow and just hope that I can help to guide them in the direction that GOD wants me to.
I have some family members who are bloggers, so I thought that I would give it a try. I am blessed to have a family that is as close as we are. We get together for picnics, the movies, most holidays, and we do our best to not miss a birthday.
My kids are extremely important and special to me and I am proud of all of them. I will post some pictures of them(once I figure out how). My youngest starts kindergarden this year. I can't believe how fast they grow and how time flies by. It seems like I held them as babies just yesterday and now they just want to be on the go.

My little quotation of the day will be:
"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." --John W. Whitehead