Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Looks Like I too have been tagged!!

Today, My cousin tagged me with a four word Meme. It is where you get four words and you have to put your definition of these four words. My four words are Ball(Isabella's fave toy), Heart (Isabella's fave treat), Sheep (Isabella's fave animal), Sister (Isabella's fave person)

Ball- That is a little toy that Casey just loves to play with. She only has a billion of them and I am talking about the little bouncy ones that you get out of the gumball machines.

Heart- This is what you give totally to the people that you love and most of all you give your heart and soul to God. And I love to fill my heart with Joy.

Sheep- That is the animal that says baa-baa. Or you could say that we are all sheep(lambs) of God's flock.

Sister- This is something that I didn't have, but I had someone that was Like a sister growing up and this was Sheryl. She was like my big sister. It is someone that you love, enjoy being around, that you can trust with anything, and someone that you can look up too. I am so blessed to have had Sheryl as my Big Sis. And I am so glad that Casey has a Big sis to look up to.

Now my turn to tag someone. I don't know that many people who blog: So I pick Renisa, Appalachinartist, ElvisTeddybear. (I don't know how to attach the links yet) Here are your four words. And these are going to be random out of my head. So look out.

Flower, Gift, Heaven, Purple

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