Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just a little note....

I haven't taken any pictures lately. I must be feeling bad or something. :)
I am mostly posting a request right now. Let me tell you the story first. I want to say yesterday but I may be wrong on the exact day. Anyway, the past couple of weeks, a friend that Samie grew up with had gotten extremely sick. He had athsma and ended up getting a type of pneumonia. His lungs were not strong enough to fight the pneumonia. I hope I am telling this right. He ended up going into a coma. Yesterday he past away. He was only 12 years old. My request is that you pray for his parents, his friends, and his family. This has to be one of the hardest things a parent could possibly go through. And I couldn't begin to imagine. But it is hard on his friends too. Samie grew up with Austin. They lived really close to each other and went to school together. At 12 it is hard to understand why things happen. It is hard for someone my age to understand why things happen. I do know that God has his reasons and only he can bring comfort in this time of need for this family.
There is so much tragedy in the world right now. Just this week a 5 year old girl died, because she was being abused. I don't know any of the details of how. I just know that her dad is being brought up on charges.
All I can think about is my little girl is 5, and I couldn't imagine anyone hurting her that way. It makes me sad to think that a parent could hurt their child or any child for that matter.
So give your child a hug and kiss and let them know you will always try to protect them and not harm them.
Thanks for reading my request. God Bless Each and Everyone of you.


DeAnna said...

Oh, I am so sorry! I will definitely pray for this family and for Samie and other friends that knew this boy. I can't imagine, I don't even want to imagine. And you're so right, its hard to understand God's ways -- I guess we're not always supposed to, we just have to trust that He knows all. I really will pray for God's comfort for this family!!

Emmie said...

i feel so sorry to know that... god bless the parents , his family and friends...
God bless all....

Sheryl said...

Please let Samie know I am sorry to hear about her friend, and that I will keep her, his family and friends in my prayers.
The 5 year old little girl was abused/beaten so bad by her father that police and hospital have said its the worse case of abuse they have seen in over 20 years. He was a guard at the jail he is sitting in right now for her death.
He was also a youth minister at his church. So it isn't that he was an ignorant, not know better person. He knows the law for what he did, and He knows God's Law for what he did. I just pray for the other 3 kids in this family. They have been removed from the home. I just hope someone is there for them to help them deal with the lost of their sister and to help them deal with what their father has done and that he won't be able to do it anymorel

melva said...

Thank you for your prayers. I am sure that they are greatly appreciated.