Monday, January 15, 2007

5 Going on Teen!:)

I have to tell you a story about little miss Casey. Ever since she started day care, she has had a boyfriend. Luckily for me she doesn't know exactly what it means to have a "boyfriend". Since she started kindergarden this past year she got a new boyfriend. His name is Robbie. Now we have a friend named Robbie and his little boy is named Robbie. And then there is Monica and Robbie.
Anyway, this little boy is cute. He has blonde hair and wears glasses. And he calls Casey all of the time. Leaves her messages on the answering machine if we aren't home and everything. Well, yesterday after church we all went out to eat with Norma and then Eric, me and the kids went to Walmart. After Eric, Casey, and Cody got home, Casey's Boyfriend Robbie calls. And then it wasn't long after that his dad brought him over to the house. And Robbie gave the flowers in the pic above to Casey. There was a balloon attached to it too. But Casey said "Thanks Robbie" and went to take off to go color in her room. Eric stopped her and told her that she needed to tell Robbie bye. Then I came home about 30 minutes later to hear the story of the flowers. I think that it is so cute at that age. And it was sweet for him to bring Casey flowers.
The next picture is of Casey on the phone tonight. She was talking to one of her girlfriends. She gets more phone calls than I do and she hasn't even turned into a teenager yet. What have I got to look forward to!?!?! :)
Another quick story: The other day Casey was talking about food and eating. And she said that she was going to start eating healthy, but she wasn't going to eat broccoli or any vegetables. So I am not sure what healthy eating is to her.
I just wish that she would eat vegetables. She will occasionally eat green beans or corn or carrots, but that is the extent of it.
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!!

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