Monday, April 23, 2007

Saturday at Longaberger

This past Saturday I went to Dresden, Ohio with a friend of mine Debbie on a bus trip to the Longaberger Homestead. We played bingo on the way and had plenty of snacks too. I didn't take very many pics while I was there, but I was just overwhelmed. They had all kinds of stuff. Clothes, Household things, purses. I just had so much fun looking and shopping. We did go to the factory where they sold some retired baskets and liners and some 2nds baskets. These are the ones that have something minor not right. Maybe the shade or the exact size. And they are over half the price as the others. Anyway, I bought a tall key basket(retired) and I got to get it signed by one of the Longaberger people. It just excited me that I got to have my basket signed. I was going to take a picture but I took my card out of my camera and actually forgot that I was going to do it.
Any way, here are some pics from the homestead and there is a picture of me at Dresden. See you later.

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