Friday, June 29, 2007

Casey Loses A Front Tooth

This picture is for Renisa, this is before the 2nd tooth falls out. I better tell you the story behind this one. I will warn you that it may be long. A few months ago at daycare, Casey and a little boy were playing, Casey started tickling the little boy and he kicked her in the mouth. thus knocking a tooth loose. Now this is a baby tooth, so I am not worried that much about it. Well for months she has wiggled this tooth and dodged biting with this tooth. Well a couple of weeks ago, this tooth started to wiggle a little more, and Eric and I thought that it might be ready to come out. Well, Casey throws a fit and won't let you touch the tooth. So it starts to turn crooked, and she gets this gap between her other teeth and this one on one side. Well this past weekend, Lacy's party, the other tooth loosens. So I was for sure that it is ready to come out. Nope, Casey baby's these two teeth, because it will hurt if she pulls the teeth out. Well, this tooth starts sticking out toward her lips, and I told her she looked like she had bubba teeth. Well, yesterday, Eric and me decide that we are going to talk Casey into pulling this loose tooth. So we get some floss and tie it in a knot around the tooth and let Casey pull on the strings. Well she tugs very little on it might I add. So we challenged her, and said, Let's see how many times you have to pull the string to get the tooth out. Well, it took 16. And she wasn't daring to try the other tooth. So the picture above is of her with one tooth gone and the one that is still there is the one that has been loose for months. She did get $2 from the tooth fairy, and she is proud that she pulled her tooth out. I told her that she really needed to pull the other one out now, because it just looks funny. :)

Happy Late Birthday Lacy!!!!

I do so apologize for not posting sooner. So many things are going on around here, that it is hard to find the time to update the blog. :) I owe Lacy a big apology for not posting her birthday sooner than now. Her birthday was June 15th. She had her birthday party last weekend. My brother put up the waterslide and let the kids slide down it until the slide busted. They seemed to have a pretty good time. The first pic is of Lacy blowing out her birthday candles, Carrie had left them out in the sun so they had melted then DJ put them in the freezer and they were all funny turned. After sliding the 3 girls decided to sun bathe. That didn't last long. And I got a picture of the birthday girl with her mom and one with her dad. I didn't get any of Lacy with Renisa, but I will. :)
Sorry I am so late at posting this Lacy. Happy Late Birthday and I love you.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Summer Time!!!

This past Saturday I went to the hospital and stayed with Nunu for most of the day. While I was there my aunt Debbie and her daughter Shayna came in. We did get some good news about Norma. Her bone scan looked good, nothing has spread to the bones. Her echo cardiogram looked good. They could only do this about half way due to the cancer and infection on her chest and breast. The doctor did tell us that the place on her chest is a bacterial infection called pseudomonas. And that it can be treated with antibiotics, but that the bacteria is resistant to some antibiotics so the ones she is having to take are pretty strong. After Debbie got to the hospital, Shayna and I went to get us a bite to eat and then we went back to the hospital for a little longer. Then we went home. We stayed up late talking and catching up on stuff.
Sunday after church, me and the kids met Shayna for lunch, we then went back to the hospital and then we went to my SIL parents house to go swimming. This was our first trip to a pool for the summer, so I took some pics of the kids as they were in the pool. We all seemed to have a good time. It was a way for us to relax a little after this week.

Shayna went swimming with us, and I took a pic of her in her swimwear. Now I need to also mention that she is 13 weeks pregnant. This will be her 1st baby. And see, Shayna is the baby of our family, she was the last grandchild born, and she was born on Mawmaw's birthday. But I am excited that her and Travis are expecting. And I took the other pic right before she left to head back home. I just love this shirt on her. It makes her look more pregnant. :)

Now I will tell you today's news about Nunu, the doctor is seeing about letting her go home tomorrow, they just got to see if they can get a home health nurse to go to her house to administer the antibiotics by IV via port-a-cath, every 6 hrs. But everything seems to be healing okay. Her chest isn't bleeding as bad and is starting to clear up. I do ask that you continue to keep her in your prayers. And hopefully tomorrow I can say that she is at home.

Friday, June 01, 2007

This past week.....

This past week has been very busy for us. I had to work midnights all week plus go to the parade, and go to the picnic. The top two pics are from Memorial Day. Cody's boyscout troop were in the parade and then afterwards they retired old American flags. This is the second year that they have retired old flags. I did not know until last year what it entaled . But before they can be retired in the fire, there is a ceremony that they have to do first. So when you look at the pics remember this is NOT a flag burning, they are properly retiring the flags that are torn and faded.

This picture was actually taken today, and there is a story behind it. It is actually really sweet. This past Saturday May 26th, I went to the Blueridge Parkway with a woman that I work with to take some pictures of a wedding for Diane. I had Casey go with me, cause I thought that it would be sweet to have her at a wedding. Anyway, the girl that was married was like a niece to Diane, so I told Diane that I would help with decorations and that I would do the wedding pics. Anyway. The church was a really old rock, and small church. Beautiful place to get married. It ended up pouring the rain a little after we got there, so it ended up being an indoor wedding. But beside of the church was a cemetary. And Casey was helping get some things set up for the reception. And she looked over at the cemetary and asked if we could go over there and see her Mawmaw B. I then had explain to a 6 year old that her Mawmaw wasn't buried at this particular grave site. And I had to promise to take her to take a flower to her Mawmaw B's grave. So due to Casey being at DJ's last Sunday night, we didn't get to go to the gravesite until today after her picnic. I stopped and let her pick out the flowers that she wanted to put on the grave. We ended up having to put it on her Pawpaw B's though, for Mawmaw B doesn't have a headstone, which Casey fussed at her daddy for that. Anyway, I just thought that it was sweet the way she remembered her grandma and wanted to take a flower to her grave.

These other pics are from Casey's picnic at the park with the kindergarden class. I was just glad that I could make it. Being on 3rd shift is the only reason that I got to go. We had fun and I took several pics of Casey with her friends.
Now before I end this blog, I do have some updates to make. Norma (Nunu) went to the doctor on Thursday this week, and she got good news, the tumor has shrunk a little more. So I still ask that everyone continue to keep her in your prayers, pray that the tumor in her breast and the one on her chest continues to shrink. And that her body keeps the strength needed to fight this cancer off. Thank you.