This was taken yesterday. But it was a group effort giving little Roxy her first bath. I was quite shocked at how well she did though. After giving a bath to a cat a few years ago. This was a nice change. She just stood there while Eric, Cody, and Casey scrubbed her with the Flea Shampoo and then while they brushed her and towel dried her. The only thing is that now she thinks she gets to come inside every night. She is already spoiled and we have only had her for 3 days. We kept her inside until she dried off. And then we put her back outside on the sun porch. She whined and scratched at the door. Then I let her in at the door and petted her and calmly tried to explain that she was an outside dog. I don't think she got it. :)
Casey is posing with the towel, prepared to help dry Roxy off. And then you have the Guys holding the girls. I think that Roxy weighs almost the same as Casey.
Any way, I decided to try out this beta blogger and see how well it does, so far I like it because everything is so much easier on figuring out on how to do it.
See everyone later.
I guess Cody was probably excited to see her when he got home from camp!! She really is such a pretty dog. I remember when Tucker was that small and we used to give him baths inside. :) I was wondering what the Beta blogger was like... I was afraid to switch because it said you couldn't switch back, is everything pretty much the same?
So far everything seems to be the same, but it is easier to change the look of your blog and to post. You have to sign up with google but you can use your own email address. There are more choices and you can click and drag.
Cody was very excited when he came home from camp. Only thing is she is already spoiled and we have only had her 3 days.:)
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