Cody turned 15 today, so this weekend was full of birthday stuff for him. It did get a little warmer here, so we went to the park for our little photo shoot, and I took some pics. After we went to the park, I took Cody and Samie to the graveyard so they could practice driving. They both did a good job. I figured the graveyard would be the safest place to practice, less traffic. Cody will be taking his learners test in less than 2 weeks. After that we went to DJ and Renisa's for Cody's Birthday dinner with the family. Cody got a car for his birthday, he was a little dissappointed though, because all he can do is eat it. LOL
Then today after church, we took him to dinner at a place of his choice, and he chose Outback. And Casey made sure that they sang to him. She mentioned to the waitress and the manager that it was Cody's birthday. So she was making sure he was acknowledged. And the waitress was nice, and had her pic taken with Cody and his ice cream.
It is so hard for me to believe that my Baby is 15. Time flies to fast. It seems like yesterday that he was little and in my arms. Now he is taller than me. I know it ain't saying much, because I am very short, but still yet. He is growing up and soon he will be driving and then it will be off to college. It is just hard to see time pass me by. There is so much I want to still do with the kids, still places to take them. Like the Grand Canyon. I have never been there and I would love to go and take them. Niagra Falls. Hawaii. Yellowstone Park. Hollywood. Just so much more left to do, and they will be out of the house before I know it. I hope everyone had a great weekend. And have a wonderful week!! God Bless.