The day after Christmas, Eric's brother Rich and his wife Elizabeth brought Caitlin and Jared up for us to have our Christmas together. I COOKED a baked chicken on my new George Forman Grill, and believe it or not it was good. (yes, I did actually cook) After dinner we unwrapped our presents to each other and Casey and Caitlin went to play dress-up with the gift Casey got. The first picture is of them in their costumes. Then we took some family pictures. All in all it was a good day, we had fun spending time with more family and Cody got to get Jared all hyped up on Chocolate. He was sooo hyper from just a couple of Reese cups, it was funny though. Cody said that he didn't want to be mean and not give the kids some of the candy. So he was trying to be nice. I did get some video footage of Casey, Caitlin, and Jared dancing. It was a different kind of dance. :)